January 26, 2022

Dr. Kaminska: Providing Culturally Sensitive Care

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss how to provide culturally sensitive care and overcome language barriers. MD Newsline: How have you been able to implement culturally sensitive care in your practice? Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: “I love my practice. My staff looks like the United Nations. When you have...

Making Meaningful Change in Dermatology Research

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss the latest research on melanoma treatment. We also discuss how to improve diversity and inclusion in dermatology clinical trials. MD Newsline: Is there any research that excites you or that you think is important for physicians to know related to the diagnosis and...

Dr. Edidiong Kaminska's Melanoma Treatment Strategy

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss Dr. Kaminska’s melanoma treatment strategy. MD Newsline: How do you manage melanoma? Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: “Melanoma management depends on the stage of the melanoma. Usually, at the dermatological level, after a biopsy when the diagnosis is confirmed, if it is a stage...

Addressing Implicit Bias in Dermatology

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss how to address implicit bias in dermatology. MD Newsline: How can dermatologists address implicit bias in their practice? How might their doing so improve healthcare for underserved communities?  Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: “Dermatologists can address implicit bias in many ways. For example, they can...

Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: Melanoma Disparities

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss disparities in diagnosing and treating melanoma before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. MD Newsline: What disparities in diagnosing and treating melanoma have you observed in your clinical practice? Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: “Primary care providers are the first line when it comes to...

Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: Melanoma

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Edidiong Kaminska, we discuss why melanoma is an important health issue. We also discuss why patients of all skin types need a skin check and sunscreen. MD Newsline: Can you explain why melanoma is an important health issue? Dr. Edidiong Kaminska: “Melanoma is a skin cancer...

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