October 23, 2023

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Reducing Depressive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis

A remote-access internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy program was found to be safe and effective for alleviating the symptoms of depression in multiple sclerosis patients in a new study. Compared to healthy individuals, people with inflammatory and neurological conditions have a higher prevalence of depression. The onset of depression in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients is associated...

Baseline Characteristics and Demographics of Black and Hispanic Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis are underrepresented in trials, which leads to limited knowledge and understanding of the disease and treatment attributes in this population. A new study found differences among White, Black, and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in terms of baseline characteristics, demographics, and disease burden. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an...

Effects of Ellagic Acid in Multiple Sclerosis

A new study finds that ellagic acid supplementation is useful for improving the health status of multiple sclerosis patients by reducing the levels of circulating cytokines and gene expression of Tbet and RORγt, as well as increasing the gene expression of GATA3 and levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by chronic immune-mediated...

Association of Menopausal Vasomotor Symptom Severity With Sleep and Work Impairments

Higher severity of vasomotor symptoms was associated with greater sleep disturbance, worse quality of sleep, more sleep-related impairment, and disturbances in work productivity and daytime activities in a new study. Vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women frequently lead to sleep disturbances and impairment of daytime activities. The new-onset sleep disturbances and daytime hot flashes are related...

Efficacy and Usability of Intravaginal Hormone Replacement Ring in Postmenopausal Women

The DARE-HRT1 intravaginal ring effectively decreases vaginal pH and the percentage of parabasal cells, supporting the efficacy of DARE-HRT1A in genitourinary syndrome of menopause, according to a new study.  Vasomotor symptoms, including night sweats and hot flashes, as well as genitourinary symptoms, are commonly experienced by menopausal women. DARE-HRT1 is an intravaginal ring (IVR) that...

Neurokinin 1/3 Receptor Antagonists for Menopausal Women

A systematic review reported moderate evidence supporting the role of neurokinin 1/3 receptor antagonists in limiting the severity and frequency of hot flashes experienced by postmenopausal women.  The majority of postmenopausal women experience vasomotor symptoms that include hot flashes and night sweats. However, there is limited evidence on the efficacy of non-hormonal therapies in managing...

Premenstrual Disorders, Timing of Menopause, and Severity of Vasomotor Symptoms

Premenstrual disorders are associated with an increased risk of moderate-to-severe vasomotor symptoms and an early onset of menopause, allowing healthcare professionals to target at-risk women, according to a new study. Premenstrual disorders (PMDs) are characterized by recurrent affective and physical symptoms that occur before menstruation. The subtypes are premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder...

Genetic Basis of Menopausal Vasomotor Symptoms

The TACR3 gene locus encoding neurokinin 3 receptor has been implicated as forming the genetic basis of menopausal vasomotor symptoms. However, a new genomic study reports that the genomic variants reducing the levels of neurokinin 3 receptor levels are not implicated in the modification of these symptoms. Vasomotor symptoms in women undergoing menopause often lead...

Psoriatic Arthritis and Gender Disparities

A recent study identified gender disparities in disease presentation in psoriatic arthritis patients, with women more likely to present with polyarthritis and men more likely to present with oligoarthritis. Men were also at greater risk of nail involvement and hyperuricemia. Psoriasis is a polymorphic disease with a varied clinical presentation. Though the disease typically starts...

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