Phototherapy is one of the most effective ways to treat vitiligo. This study analyzed the efficacy of phototherapy in detail, in particular as it relates to combination therapies.

When treating patients with vitiligo, healthcare providers can utilize various therapeutic options, including surgical techniques, drugs, and phototherapy. Among the different wavelengths of phototherapy available, narrowband UVB is considered the safest and most effective. This form of phototherapy can result in overall stabilization while also repigmenting vitiligo lesions, making it highly desirable for patients. This study, published in Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, reviews evidence related to the efficacy of UVB phototherapy.

Phototherapy can come with both acute and long-term side effects. Acute side effects include burning, blistering, and itching, and long-term side effects can include freckling, photoaging, and ocular photoaging. Combination treatments, such as surgical implantation of pigmented cells, can be benefited by combining it with phototherapy following the procedure. Other combination treatments, such as corticosteroid, topical calcineurin inhibitors, topical vitamin D3 analogs, and psoralen showed either beneficial or inconclusive results. Combination treatments that benefited from combination with phototherapy had various beneficial results, including increased pigmentation or higher response rate. Many combination treatments that had beneficial effects still require further research to determine treatment parameters.

Phototherapy, and narrowband UVB in particular, is concluded to be safe and effective, and this efficacy can be increased in conjunction with other treatments. The authors conclude that vitiligo cannot be treated or approached with a unified strategy, but that patients’ needs vary and treatment should be individualized to their needs. Additional studies that can provide further guidance on combination treatments could provide a significantly more comprehensive set of potential treatments for those suffering from vitiligo.

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Bouceiro Mendes, R., Alpalhão, M., & Filipe, P. (2022). UVB phototherapy in the treatment of vitiligo: State of the art and clinical perspectives. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine, 38(3), 215-223. doi:10.1111/phpp.12740
