If you live with atopic dermatitis, knowing about the treatment options and their effectiveness can be helpful when you discuss your treatment needs with your healthcare provider to determine the right one for you. A recent study about systemic therapies offers insight for those seeking relief.

  • Systemic therapies don’t always provide complete relief from atopic dermatitis.
  • Many people still experience skin issues despite undergoing these treatments.
  • There’s a clear need for more effective treatments to manage atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy patches on the skin. Roughly 2% to 7% of adults in the United States have atopic dermatitis. The severity can vary, with about 40% of people experiencing moderate-to-severe forms. The total area of skin affected and the number of skin patches can differ greatly among individuals.

Current Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the age of the patient, different treatments are recommended. For those with more severe cases, doctors often recommend systemic therapies. These are medications that can affect the entire body or specific systems of the body. They include:

  • Biologics, a category of drugs that are produced from living sources.
  • Systemic corticosteroids, which suppress inflammation.
  • Janus kinase inhibitors, which help regulate immune system pathways involved in atopic dermatitis.

While these treatments can help, it seems that they might not always offer full relief. That’s where the recent study comes into play.

Insights From the Study

Researchers looked into the experiences of adults with atopic dermatitis who had been taking systemic therapies for 4 to 12 months. Here’s what they found:

  • Disease impact remains: Even after treatment, many patients still had skin problems, including large sections of the body for some.
  • Additional treatments needed: Despite being on systemic therapy, people often still needed creams, ointments, or UV light therapy to manage their symptoms.
  • Quality of life impact: Atopic dermatitis didn’t just affect peoples’ skin. It had a significant effect on their overall well-being and quality of life. Many still felt the intense itch, discomfort, and emotional toll the disease can take.
  • Treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all: What the study revealed is that atopic dermatitis affects everyone differently. While some might find relief with the current treatments, others might still struggle. This emphasizes the need for more treatment options personalized to individual needs.
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Atopic dermatitis can be a challenging condition to live with, and while there are treatments available, they don’t always provide the complete relief hoped for. If you or someone you know is living with atopic dermatitis, it can be helpful to communicate with your healthcare provider about how treatments are working and stay informed about potential new therapies on the horizon. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and ongoing research means there’s always hope for better solutions in the future.


Silverberg, J. I., Pierce, E., Feely, M., Atwater, A. R., Schrader, A., Jones, E. A., Dave, S. S., & Simpson, E. L. (2023). Disease burden among patients with atopic dermatitis treated with systemic therapy for 4–12 months: results from the CorEvitas Atopic Dermatitis Registry. Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/09546634.2023.2246601 

