Language Barriers

Communication Challenges in Healthcare for Minority Communities

Providing quality healthcare to everyone is a big step in bridging the communication barriers between providers and minority communities. The language barrier can lead to misunderstandings that diminish trust, limit access to medical care, and even threaten patient safety. In addition, cultural differences can put people off or distract them from getting the right treatments...

Dr. Maggie Cadet: Providing Culturally Sensitive Care

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with rheumatologist Dr. Maggie Cadet, we discuss how to provide culturally sensitive care and overcome language barriers. MD Newsline: How have you been able to implement culturally sensitive care in your practice? Do you believe doing so improves treatment adherence? Dr. Maggie Cadet: “Absolutely. It’s important to make our...

Dr. Ilan Shapiro: Providing Culturally Sensitive Care

In this MD Newsline exclusive interview with health education and wellness physician Dr. Ilan Shapiro, we discuss how to provide culturally sensitive care and overcome language barriers. MD Newsline: Can you tell us a bit about your work overseeing the deployment of culturally sensitive care? Dr. Ilan Shapiro: “Understanding the language of another country is...


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